Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh fall.

It's here it's here! 

As if Florida knew it had to step up it's game, this morning's change in weather promised a perfect fall season that I hope makes its full appearance some time soon. I'm loafing on the porch while Diego points his nose to the wind and breathes in the different air... Trumpet musics floats this way from a student pracicing down the street and a beer has been consumed and I. Am. Content. 

Last night I couldn't sleep. My mind would not shut down the impending selling of all things and eventual move. I really have to focus on not freaking out because in my heart I know that it will be taken care of, but my mind starts churning and I start feeling overwhelmed-- that's not a place I want to be. Life is crazy and unpredictable but oh my sweet Lord are we making the right decision by selling everything now and moving out and will the right renters be provided or do we take a hit an short sale and what about all our stuff will we be able to sell it for a decent price and Diego?

 Too much to think about. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Changes are coming. And I'm torn as to what to do.

On the one hand, I love my house. I love what we've built here; the painstaking time decorating, the fact that it's finally come together. The toys, the yard, the neighbors and friends. On the other hand, it's just stuff. Stuff that will be replaced one day. A house that I never intended to stay in more than five years anyways. 

This weekend I spent a lot of time mulling over the logistics of what is to come. Here are the options:

1. Move now to Jax. Sell everything now and move into a furnished apartment.

2. Don't move. Sell everything when the date is finalized. 

Benefits for choice #1- less stress when it's closer to moving time... more time to find renters, have garage sales, etc. Save $ with lower rent vs. mortgage & gas (less driving to Jax to hang out.) 

Downfalls- What if, for some reason, this whole thing doesn't go through? And it's sad parting with everything. I know it's just stuff, and I claim to not care, but I'm finding that maybe I care. Just a little. 

Benefits for choice #2- Safer. In case this doesn't happen. Less sadness now (more later, lol.) One less move, and less work finding an apartment that will offer a 6-month lease. With a mammoth of a dog. 

Downfalls: What if it's time to leave and we haven't found renters? What if Diego can't come wherever we're going, and I need to drive him to Annie? I don't want to have to worry about the house when I'm about to leave the country. 

Whew. Had to get it all out.

But I know that God is for us and not against us, and He will work things out how they're supposed to be. We're commanded not to worry, so I won't! Or at least I'll try not to:) 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Soliloquies

Saturdays are sacred here in the Checchia household.
It takes a lot to convince me to get out of bed or leave the house on these mornings;it may not seem that exciting, but Saturdays like this re-charge me. I may accomplish something, I might not. Today I cleaned a little, and took pictures of everything so we can start the moving out/selling everything process. (EEK!) We watched some football. Walked Diego.

This post is boring and mellow because, well, that's just the day. 

Diego feels the same way we do.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

tiny literature fairies

This picture from my walk with Diego pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today. 
Full of life & vibrant colors,
a "the-sky's-the-limit" kind of mentality.
The air begets change. 
(And a word like 'begets' comes out of nowhere; did I even use that correctly?) 

The reason:
My most challenging student who can barely sit still for 30 seconds
For a full ten minutes.
proceeded to tell the class (without my direction) that the book he's reading is "really good" and then he talked about it for 3 minutes.
Even though he didn't raise his hand and just kind of verbally vomited into 
the empty space of the classroom
I was frozen in place as I watched something take place in this child's face
as his peers listened to him in silence. 
And it wasn't because he was telling a joke or making fun of someone. 
It was because he had something valuable to say. 
And then, other students started talking about how they liked their own books.
(This was the class that left me in tears two weeks ago, and I'm not talking about tears of joy...)

Tiny literature fairies flitted about the room playing songs of joy on their minuscule golden violins. 
To have this kind of breakthrough in week 4? 
Well, we have some work to do and I'm convinced it's going to be the
best year yet

Monday, September 10, 2012

Football Season

It's back! 
I've been counting down the days.
(Well, not really.)
What's there not to love about making a 
big ol' breakfast after waking up late
on a Saturday morning,
plopping down on the couch and waiting for 
Lee Corso to make his pick? 
Or having an excuse to pound tailgating food 
like it's your job and
to wash it down with an 
ice cold beverage of choice (or maybe 4?)
There's nothing like wearing orange and blue
with pride (even if they're expected 
to have a sub-par season) 
especially when you're
in a custom's line in Portugal and you hear 
"Go Gators" from the family two rows ahead.
and it's even know to go out
and pretend that you care even the slightest bit
about the Jags
if it means more food, icy cold beverages,
and good company.

Even Diego gets into a game once in a while...

This post was brought to you by a porch drinking session with myself
while the hubs does manual labor in the waning sunlight. The air outside promises chilly weather to come, even if it will be two more months. At least the mugginess has taken a break for the time being. 

Oh, and remember this little guy?

Yeah. I planted it in the ground. It's a mammoth tree now and it's all up in the grill. Literally. But we have papayas!

Friday, September 7, 2012

it was a good day

My heart is full from this day, so much so that I found myself moved to tears while soaking it all in. 

It started with my littles in the library... one of my major goals as an english teacher is to hook my reluctant readers on books. So when I look out at a library full of my kids, and they're all ACTUALLY reading?! I feel a certain sense of accomplishment.

Fast forward to the end of the day-- a sweet, timid girl who has the voice of a tiny baby bird and is so shy she can barely look you in the eyes lingered after class, sheepishly smiled at me and said, 
"Mrs. Checchia, why are you so happy all the time?"
It was the first time I'd ever seen her face lit up.
I laughed and told her that life was too precious to not be happy all the time... and I probably drink too much coffee (but I REALLY wanted to tell her that my joy is solely because of God's grace in my life but alas, not able to do so! :) Her comment meant so much... and solidified my purpose and reasoning for being back at our school, lovin' on my kiddos. 

And finally, an impromptu Gainesville trip to help my sister-in-law with the next phase of her life!
Cheers to new beginnings, tiny apartments and no source of income. 
Send some prayers her way for a job and a bit of direction :) 

I couldn't help but drive by the pink house on the way home, and as I did so a wave of nostalgia hit me full force as I thought about how it wasn't that long ago we were in college trying to figure out life. Well, I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I've found it's not as carefree as the Pink House days with its Justin Timberlake dance parties and roomie sleepovers... hanging out with Michael late into the night but sending him home because he wasn't allowed to sleep over... hurricane parties and living with sisters and walking down to the park to swing...
oh college life. I took you for granted. 

God provided a changing kaleidoscope of colors to entertain me on the drive home... windows down and Fleet Foxes blaring. 

Life is good today. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And we're back.

Hmm, I dunno. Just needed a break, I suppose.
And life took over, with school starting and whatnot.

I interrupted a lovely friend's class today to bring her manna from heaven (a.k.a. boston cream cupcakes that I slaved over last night) and she stopped what she was doing to tell her sweet 6th graders how cool I am. As they looked up at me with bright-eyed wonder plastered on their faces, I thought, "Dang. I AM pretty cool." Anyways, she asked if anyone had a question for me, and I received a few, "What do you teach?" and "What's Odyssey of the Mind?"

But one strapping young girl asked, "Do you like to write?"

I hesitated and started to answer, "Why of course, young, impressionable sweet girl."

But then Della called me out and said to be honest... and the honest answer was, "Currently, only if I'm blogging!"

And as a result; a post. (I'm sure everyone has given up on this by now, but I'll start back up, maybe.)

While I could revisit the joys of teaching and the first couple weeks of school, the tears already shed and the mini-celebrations over fantastic poems written by students, I'll hold off. It's my dang fifth year of teaching; go look at one of my other posts from the first week of school from previous years and I'm sure it'll be the same.

Instead, I'll praise the man who has my heart:

(First date! I snicker every time I see this picture...)

We talked about high school over dinner tonight with his parentals and it filled my heart with joy... our shared history, the past adventures and ones to come. I'm a lucky girl and am so proud to call this guy my husband.

I have good feelings about this year. It's gonna be epic.